
​If you have a hard time explaining your offering to your customers, then keep reading. You’ve worked with marketing people and PR agencies and that say they understand your value proposition but when you actually ask them to put together marketing materials, it becomes apparent that besides the broad strokes, they have no idea what you’re selling.

Now you’ve committed time and money to this process, so you spend hours going back and forth so that they, in turn, can attempt to explain complex topics in an easy-to-understand way. Ultimately you get frustrated and do the work yourself when you should be focussing on other, more important things.

​Sound familiar? Had enough? Get in touch

I can help you break this cycle.

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What does this guy actually do?

Advisory: Strategy development for marketing, positioning, and communications, tailored to the specific needs of your business.

Management: Directing creative teams to ensure efficient and effective execution of marketing strategies.

Copywriting: Creation of targeted marketing materials, including white papers, reports, market analysis, digital content, email campaigns, and presentations.

Why Ben instead of someone else?

My background includes founding and running a marketing consultancy for 10 years with clients in a broad array of industries, executing with leadership teams. Most recently, I was the Chief Strategy Officer of an embedded finance FinTech.

My expertise is built on real-world experience and I hold an MBA with a focus on strategic planning, offering a blend of strategic insight and practical implementation capabilities.